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The production of certain foods benefits from the non-stick properties than PTFE (Teflon) offers. A key area is the high volume cooking of meats such as chicken and bacon. We refer to this as contact cooking or grilling. The conveyor belting is typically 650mm or 1050mm wide and works in pairs as a top and bottom belt. The two conveyor belts are very close together and trap the product between then as they move along. Heat is provided by employing oil heated hot plates that allow the meat to cook as it conveys. The PTFE coating prevents food from sticking to the belting, as well as being able to handle high temperatures involved. The principle is very similar to the use of Teflon on non-stick pans.

PTFE coated fabrics can also be used as belting when producing flatbreads. An example of this is the production of flour Tortillas. A single conveyor belt carried small balls of dough along a conveyor while a fixed hot plate squashes the mixture in a round flat tortilla.


PTFE coated belting is extensively used when processing textiles. Similar to contact grilling, the belts while in pairs, which are top and bottom. They are used to thermally bond two layers of textiles together, which usually involved heating a glue or adhesive while applying pressure.

Open Mesh PTFE Belting

Open area PTFE belting is very similar to close weaver versions; however, there different reasons and applications for using this.

The main application for mesh is the use of a carrier belt within a hot air oven. Hot air ovens can work for both textiles and food; however, other specialist applications such as can drying also benefit.

Mesh belting is usually supplied with an opening size of 4mm square; however and smaller opening s are also available from our stocks.

Below you will see a few examples of where open mesh belting is working.

Food Production

The open mesh works on many types of conveyors that process food. An example of this is the drying of cereals. Cereals are conveyed at just the right speed and temperature to ensure they dry to the exact level.

Beverage can production

Aluminum beverage cans have a special lacquer on the inside of them to provide a food-safe barrier. orThis is sprayed on to the inside of the can then required to cure via heat. Beverage cans convey on the PTFE mesh belt, which transports them through a hot air oven. The mesh allows air to easily circulate the beverage cans as well as the conveyor belt for maximum efficiency.



特氟隆宗旨:誠(chéng)信至誠(chéng) 精益求精

特氟隆理念:誠(chéng)信 和諧 創(chuàng)新 發(fā)展

特氟隆品質(zhì)方針:誠(chéng)實(shí)守信 不斷創(chuàng)新

特氟隆服務(wù)精神:便捷 務(wù)實(shí) 迅速








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